Monday, October 25, 2010

Editorial: World Vision

            An average of 14,000 children die every day to a lack of necessities. That’s one child dying every 7 seconds because they don’t have the basic means of survival. All over the world children are starving. They need clean water to drink. They need medical attention. But they are so poor that they don’t have these fundamental requirements of life; these things we take for granted every single day.
Shouldn’t we all be able to have these necessities?
            I think so. And so does World Vision.
World Vision is an organization that helps children all over the world by providing them with food, water, medicine and education, as well as biblical teaching. They do this through sponsorships from people like you and me. For only a dollar a day you can provide for one child’s needs.
They can live on $365 a year!
Can you believe that? Only $30 a month pays for everything they need. Can you imagine only having 30 bucks to pay for all the food, water, doctor bills, school tuition, and gas money you need for a month. What I would spend in gas could potentially save a child’s life.
World Vision is a great way to make a difference in the lives of so many people. Not only do all those children benefit from your sponsorships, but so would you. Through this organization you can touch each other’s lives. They are blessed with your support and you can be blessed by writing to them and learning their stories and experiences. When you hear of their hardships you will realize how truly blessed you are.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child through World Vision, or if you just want to learn more about the organization, go to
Give these children what every person has a right to; life.
Bless and be blessed.

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