Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Photojournalism Assignment

            This photograph is titled “Rockabye Tabby.” It is of a Balinese monkey carrying a kitten that had been abandoned. The male long-tailed macaque monkey carried the kitten into the forest in the Ubud region of Bali, Indonesia.  It took care of the kitten as its own offspring. The monkey was very protective of it and even tried to hide it from the photographer by trying to cover the kitten up with a large leaf.  
This photo was taken by amateur photographer Anne Young, who was on vacation and visiting Bali's Monkey Forest Park. It appeared on MSNBC’s website as one of the pictures in the Week in Review.
I would consider this photo to be news worthy because it is bizarre and unusual. How often do you hear of a male Balinese monkey adopting a small orange kitten? It does not happen often. In his book “Journalism, Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How,” James Glen Stovall also talks about people many times being more drawn to pictures with animals or children. This could make this photo more newsworthy as well.

            This photograph is of three military engineers blowing up a house in Zhare District of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. It is surrounded by fields of marijuana.
This photograph and article appeared on New York Times’ website on November 16, 2010. It is by Taimoor Shah, whom reported from Kandahar, and by Rod Nordland from Kabul, Afghanistan.
The accompanying article by Christoph Bangert  who was reporting from Zhare, Afghanistan, said, “In the newly won districts around this southern city, American forces are encountering empty homes and farm buildings left so heavily booby-trapped by Taliban insurgents that the Americans have been systematically destroying hundreds of them, according to local Afghan authorities.”
I would consider this photograph to be newsworthy for several reasons. It shows action; the house blowing up and the soldiers looking on. It also shows drama, because there is a story behind it. This photo can also convey emotion. Many times when people see pictures of soldiers or of things that have to do with the war, they become sad, or they feel pride for the soldiers and their country.

This is a photograph of passengers waiting on the wings of an Airbus 320 airplane which had safely landed in the Hudson River after its engines had been knocked out by a flock of birds at takeoff. The plane floated down the Hudson until ferries could come and pick up the passengers. There had also been a water taxi approaching in this photo but it was cropped out.
 This picture was taken by Steven Day, who works freelance in New York City. This was one of the first frames he took of the scene.
This photo was from the Year in pictures 2008 on the Times CNN website.
This photograph would have been considered newsworthy because it was from a current event, and people would like to know what is going on around them. It can also be considered bizarre or unusual. As Day put it, “You just don't see people standing on the wings of an airplane in the middle of the Hudson River.”

This is a photograph of an enormous lightning bolt which struck the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, New York.
This photo was taken on September 22, 2010. It was taken by Jay Fine. Fine spent two hours trying to take the perfect picture. He took about 80 pictures before capturing this image at about 9 p.m. that night.
The photograph appeared on MSNBC’s website on November 13, 2010 as a part of the Week in Review photos. It was accompanied by several other photos as well as an article that was called “Deadly Bolts: Lightning Survivors Stress Safety.”
I believe this picture would be considered newsworthy for a few different reasons. It is a very dramatic picture as well as an action picture. As Fine would agree, it would be extremely difficult to capture something that happens as fast as lightning, pun intended. This photo could also cause emotion in some. The Statue of Liberty, a symbol of our freedom, tends to cause emotion to rise in the hearts of many patriotic citizens.

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